Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Potty Training Update (and some helpful tips with the transition)

We have been working consistently with these puppies on potty training using the kennel method.

We have reduced their space in their cage to allow for less room from their sleeping/eating area for them to make a mess. This teaches them to hold their potty until they are allowed outside.

As soon as we take the puppies out of the kennel we go outside and the puppies all go potty immediately. They have learned that that is the place for them to go potty and have even started whining at the door when they are playing inside.

Of course the puppies are still very small and need frequent bathroom breaks, also some level of regression is expected when going to a new home, however, if you are able to use a consistent schedule of allowing them to eat and drink and taking them out to potty 5-25 minutes afterward I feel confident they will respond well and be completely kennel trained in no time.

One tip, when using a kennel for a puppy your options are to A. use a smaller kennel to begin with transitioning to a medium sized one once the puppy grows or B. buy a medium kennel to begin with and partition off a small portion. You don't want much more room than for the puppy to be able to comfortably turn around in.

Here is a puppy picture to brighten your day :)

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