Thursday, December 29, 2016

Exciting News at GoldenHaven!!!

We are pleased to present our newest addition to the family 

Indie May!!

She is a BEAUTIFUL American Golden from Champion lines. She will be small like Pollie, approximately 50lbs.

Indie is such a sweetheart and a very smart puppy. She loves the snow and thinks that Pollie is her mommy.

It has been a blast to watch Indie play with our current litter of Goldendoodles as if they were her own sibling, I definitely think they have helped ease her transition to her new home.

Here are some pictures of our sweet girl, she will be ready to breed Summer 2018 and so for now we will enjoy raising her to love walks, kids and tennis balls.


Indie + Pollie

Indie nursing on Pollie *heart eyes*

what a sweet little profile!

she seems to like this coat!

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